Panthapath, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Sun - Thu : 10.00 AM - 05.00 PM
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Net-Metering Configuration

"Shobuj Shikkhangon" Solar Initiative includes net-metering as an integral feature, providing not just electricity savings but also revenue generation opportunities by selling surplus electricity. Here’s how the system works and its benefits:

Net-Metering Technology Working Mechanism
• Electricity Usage: Electricity produced by solar panels is first used to meet the internal demands of the institution.
• Surplus Energy Supply to Grid: Excess electricity is transferred to the national grid when internal demand is met.
• Grid Energy Supply for Demand: When the solar system does not produce enough electricity, the shortfall is met from the national grid.
• Metering System: Dual-direction metering technology keeps track of the produced and consumed electricity.

Technical Features
• Dual-Metering System: Advanced metering technology to track electricity usage and supply.
• Remote Monitoring: Modern software integration for monitoring electricity production and consumption remotely.
• Automatic Control System: Electricity transfer between grid and solar system is automatically managed.

Net-Metering Setup Process
• Grid Connection Application: Apply for net-metering connection approval from the local electricity distribution authority.
• Technology Setup: Installation of dual-meters and other necessary equipment.
• Legal Compliance: Follow government-prescribed net-metering policies.
• Tariff Agreement: Execute a tariff agreement for selling electricity.

Net-metering configuration is a unique feature of the "Shobuj Shikkhangon" initiative, ensuring financial self-reliance and environmental responsibility for educational institutions.

Let’s Talk

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