Panthapath, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Sun - Thu : 10.00 AM - 05.00 PM
+88 09611026050








Financing Process Support

"Shobuj Shikkhangon" Financing Process

Easy Bank Loan
• Low Interest Rate: 5%
• Repayment Period: Flexible installment repayment within 5 years.
• Loan Application Process: Special management for quick and simple loan approval.

Installment-Based Loan Repayment System
• Step-by-Step Repayment: Convenient installments to reduce the financial burden of initial investments.
• Use of Surplus Electricity Income: Income from net-metering can be used for installment payments.

Transparent Financial Planning
• Cost Forecasting: Accurate planning for initial costs and loan repayment.
• Reporting System: Monthly or quarterly financial reporting options.
• Risk Management: Effective measures to reduce financial risks.

Economic Benefits
• Savings for Institutions: Increase annual savings by reducing electricity bills.
• Surplus Electricity Income: Opportunity for additional income by selling electricity to the national grid.
• Long-Term Investment Benefits: Ensures long-term efficiency of solar panels.

Implementation Steps
• Loan Application Process: Provide consultation at every step of the financing process for institutions.
• Result Evaluation: Review financial transparency and success after project implementation.

Through the financing process, the "Shobuj Shikkhangon" solar initiative helps institutions transform into financially independent, environmentally sustainable, and efficient energy systems.

Let’s Talk

Feel free to contact with us