Easy Bank Loan
• Low Interest Rate: 5%
• Repayment Period: Flexible installment repayment within 5 years.
• Loan Application Process: Special management for quick and simple loan approval.
Installment-Based Loan Repayment System
• Step-by-Step Repayment: Convenient installments to reduce the financial burden of initial investments.
• Use of Surplus Electricity Income: Income from net-metering can be used for installment payments.
Transparent Financial Planning
• Cost Forecasting: Accurate planning for initial costs and loan repayment.
• Reporting System: Monthly or quarterly financial reporting options.
• Risk Management: Effective measures to reduce financial risks.
Economic Benefits
• Savings for Institutions: Increase annual savings by reducing electricity bills.
• Surplus Electricity Income: Opportunity for additional income by selling electricity to the national grid.
• Long-Term Investment Benefits: Ensures long-term efficiency of solar panels.
Implementation Steps
• Loan Application Process: Provide consultation at every step of the financing process for institutions.
• Result Evaluation: Review financial transparency and success after project implementation.
Through the financing process, the "Shobuj Shikkhangon" solar initiative helps institutions transform into financially independent, environmentally sustainable, and efficient energy systems.