Panthapath, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Sun - Thu : 10.00 AM - 05.00 PM
+88 09611026050








Solar Project Concept

Current Electricity Crisis and Its Impact, Especially on Rural Educational Institutions

Electricity shortage in Bangladesh has been a longstanding challenge, particularly in rural areas. Marginal and remote educational institutions face significant disruptions due to the lack of uninterrupted electricity. Long power outages and insufficient supply discourage students from attending classes and deprive teachers of using modern technology in teaching. These issues severely affect the overall performance of educational institutions and the quality of education.

Objectives and Vision of "Shobuj Shikkhangon"

"Shobuj Shikkhangon" is a revolutionary initiative aimed at freeing educational institutions from the electricity crisis while making them partners in producing eco-friendly energy.

  • To meet the electricity demand of educational institutions by installing solar power systems.
  • To supply surplus electricity to the national grid.
  • To make educational institutions financially independent and create opportunities for investing in educational quality improvement.

"This project will create a sustainable and advanced learning environment for students, helping to build the future of the nation."

How Solar Energy Will Help Solve the Electricity Crisis

Solar energy is a renewable resource that can be an effective solution for electricity supply in rural areas. Through the "Shobuj Shikkhangon" initiative, using solar panel technology:

  • It will fulfill the electricity needs of educational institutions.
  • Excess electricity will be supplied to the national grid through net metering, positively contributing to the country's electricity production.
  • It will reduce carbon emissions and positively impact the climate by increasing the use of environmentally friendly energy.

"Shobuj Shikkhangon" is not just a solution to the electricity crisis; it is a collective vision for environmental and economic development.
Let’s Talk

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